

Featured on position 1
Aho, aho, oameni frumoși, Minunați și inimoşi, Anul Nou să vă aducă Sănătate multă, multă, Bucurie, trai bogat, An Nou binecuvântat! Vă urez cu drag și dor Zâmbiți azi și-n viitor! Să iubiți, să fiți iubiți, Veșnic să fiți fericiți, În pace să viețuiți! Fiți darnici și iubitori, Mereu recunoscători, Că așa vă veți spori, Darurile ce-ți primi. Domnul, veșnic să vă fie Nădejde spre mântuire. Și la greu, să nu uitați La Dumnezeu să strigați, Să vă dea putere multă, Toată viața să v-ajungă, Să vă umple de iubire, De credință în unire. Și acum, cu gând curat: Să aveți un an bogat, Sănătate, trai voios, La mulți ani, cu mult folos!

(Sunday, January 5, 2025)

Crăciun fericit! Merry Christmas!

Featured on position 2

(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)

Festivalul Românesc de Toamnă

Festivalul de Toamna a fost-cum era de așteptat-un succes! Mulțumim tuturor participanților și felicitam in mod deosebit voluntarii, sponsorii și coordonatorii acestui eveniment. Artiștii mici și mari au fost la înălțime, bucătarii iscusiți, toate produsele au fost delicioase. Parintele Paroh Adrian, impreuna cu Consiliul Parohial, va multumeste tuturor! Doamne ajuta!

(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)

La mulți ani România! La mulți ani prieteni!

The Great Union (Romanian: Marea Unire) or Great Union of 1918 (Romanian: Marea Unire din 1918) is the name under which Romanian historians or Romanians in general commonly refer in Romanian historiography to the series of political unifications the Kingdom of Romania had with several of the so-called Romanian historical regions, starting with Bessarabia in 27 March 1918, continuing with Bukovina in 28 November 1918 and finalizing with Transylvania (on its broad meaning) in 1 December 1918 with the declaration of the union of this region with Romania in the city of Alba Iulia. ROBERT FICHEUX – OMUL CĂRUIA ROMÂNIA ÎI DATOREAZĂ GRANIȚELE DE AZI https://unitate-centenar.ro/robert-ficheux-omul-caruia-romania-ii-datoreaza-granitele-de-azi/

(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)

Invitation to Romania, from a New Yorker!

"I think we need to start coming to Romania"

(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)

Semnează petiția pentru alegeri libere în România

(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)


User Please help disambiguating these terms: Romanian (citizens of Romania) vs Romani (Gypsy). ChatGPT The terms "Romani" (referring to the ethnic group) and "Romanian" (referring to the citizens of Romania) are often confused due to their similar spellings and pronunciations, but they refer to entirely different groups of people. Romani (Gypsy): This term refers to an ethnic group originating from the Indian subcontinent. The Romani people, often colloquially known as "Gypsies" (a term now considered pejorative by many), have a distinct language and culture. They are a diasporic ethnicity found in various countries around the world, with a significant presence in Europe, including Romania. The Romani language belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. Romanian: This term refers to the people who are citizens of Romania or of Romanian descent. The term also refers to the Romance language spoken in Romania and Moldova. Romanian culture, language, and identity are distinct from those of the Romani people. The Romanian language is a Romance language, stemming from Latin, quite distinct from the Romani language. The similarity in the names is coincidental and has led to some confusion. However, it's important to differentiate between the two as they refer to very different cultural, linguistic, and ethnic identities. The term "Roma" used to refer to the Romani people, including those in Romania, has a complex origin. The Romani people are an ethnic group with origins in the Indian subcontinent, specifically the northwestern regions like Rajasthan and Punjab. They began migrating to Europe and other parts of the world around the 10th century. The term "Roma" is believed to come from a word in the Romani language, which means "people." Over time, this term became widely used to refer to the Romani people across Europe. In many languages, the term "Gypsy" (or its local equivalent) was traditionally used to refer to the Romani (not the Romanian!) people. However, this term is now often considered derogatory due to its association with stereotypes and discrimination. In Romania, as in other parts of Europe, the term "Roma" is used to more accurately and respectfully identify this ethnic group. It's important to note that while "Roma" is a term that encompasses a diverse group of people with their own unique cultures, languages, and traditions, it's also a term that helps to unify and give identity to this often marginalized group.

(Tuesday, December 24, 2024)

Romanian Festival 2024 in Arizona

Starting November 9 at 11:00 AM, ending November 10 at 7:00 PM local time, at St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church in Glendale, AZ. For directions and other information about the church, find the link in the Religion section in this web site.

(Monday, December 9, 2024)

Instrucțiuni pentru Programul de imigrare Diversity Visa DV-2026 (Loteria Vizelor)

Departamentul de Stat anunță începerea perioadei de înregistrare în programul Diversity Visa DV-2026. Participanții trebuie să transmită electronic cererile de înregistrare pentru programul DV-2026, pe pagina de internet dvprogram.state.gov între miercuri 2 octombrie 2024, orele 19:00 (ora României) și marți 5 noiembrie 2024, orele 19:00 (ora României). Original information on the US site can be found here: https://dvprogram.state.gov/

(Saturday, November 30, 2024)

The Romanian Film Festival Arizona, 4th Edition: “Rhythms of Life” | November 1-3, 2024

WHEN: NOVEMBER 1-3 WHERE: Majestic Tempe 7, 1140 E Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ 85283 The fourth edition of the Romanian Film Fest Arizona, “Rhythms of Life,” captures the essence of human experiences, inviting you on a cinematic journey through the vibrant tapestry of Romanian storytelling. Each film reflects the varied rhythms that define our existence—whether through the adrenaline of competition, the chaos of revolution, or the poignant struggles of personal relationships.

(Saturday, November 30, 2024)

Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Arizona - Spectacol și Mâncare - 26 OCT 2024

5PM - 9PM, St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church. (pentru direcții și alte informații despre biserica Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul vedeți secțiunea religie mai jos pe această pagină) Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Arizona sărbătorește 10 ani de la înființare. Oaspeții se vor delecta cu friptură, mămăligă, plăcinte și răcituri. La desert vom avea prăjituri și tort aniversar. Preț: 30 USD Dress code: haine naționale

(Saturday, November 30, 2024)

Să nu uităm !

Poza Zilei vine din Galeria Naționalei de la meciul România – Belgia jucat la Koln (UEFA Euro 2024)

(Saturday, July 6, 2024)

View Current Announcements from St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church in Glendale (Phoenix AZ)

Stay up to date with what the most numerous Romanian community in Arizona, the Christian Orthodox, is doing.

(Monday, May 20, 2024)

Programul Slujbelor Religioase ale Sf. Sărbători de Paști. Biserica Română Ortodoxă Sf. Ion Botezătorul, Glendale, AZ

(Saturday, May 4, 2024)

Programul Slujbelor Religioase

ale Sf. Sărbători de Paști, Biserica Română Ortodoxă Sf. Ion Botezătorul, Glendale, AZ

(Saturday, May 4, 2024)

Rick Steves' EUROPE - Romania

Rick and his team tour Romania's vibrant capital, Bucharest, with its "Little Paris of the East" architecture and lingering reminders of a brutal communist dictator. Then they head into Transylvania, where they visit fortified churches, cobbled merchant towns like Sighisoara, and castles made famous by an imported German king and the real-life Dracula. Finally, they explore Maramures.

(Saturday, May 4, 2024)

Dependența de nefericire și rolul Pocăinței în tămăduirea ei

Februarie 25, după Sf. Liturghie vom avea onoarea de a avea in mijlocul nostru pe Parintele Iulian Negru . Conferințele Părintelui sunt foarte cunoscute in Romania datorită temelor de actualitate pe care dansul le dezbate și aduce soluții in același timp.(adicții și modul lor de vindecare; și nu numai) Sa ne face timp și sa venim cu toții sa îl ascultam !

(Wednesday, April 24, 2024)

Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 from Texas to Maine

More than 30 million Americans are estimated to live in the path of totality, with many millions more expected to travel to places where the event will be visible. Folks able to see the total solar eclipse must be along a narrow zone called the path of totality going through Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine. The rest of us will experience a partial solar eclipse if the skies overhead are clear. Here in Phoenix, we will see about 70% totality, according to Eclipse2024.org. Copy and paste in the browser the URLs below, if you want to: Get your eclipse safety watching glasses: https://preventblindness.org/get-ready-for-the-next-eclipse/ Get your eclipse t-shirts souvenirs: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1701993503/total-solar-eclipse-2024-shirt-unisex?click_key=a54fb7488e49a1f0076e91076c02e067b47884f1%3A1701993503&click_sum=30911d29&ref=shop_home_active_9&pro=1

(Sunday, March 24, 2024)

Holy Unction - Wednesday, February 21st 2024, 7PM at St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church

(Monday, February 19, 2024)

În perioada 2-3 februarie 2024, reprezentanții Consulatului General al Romaniei la Los Angeles se vor deplasa în Arizona

pentru a oferi servicii și asistență consulară cetățenilor români din această zonă. Cetățenii români care doresc să beneficieze de servicii consulare în acest consulat itinerant sunt rugați mai întâi să transmită cererile de servicii consulare prin portalul www.econsulat.ro iar apoi să transmită un e-mail la adresa losangeles.cons2@mae.ro indicând numărul cererii, nume prenume, adresa completă și număr de telefon pentru a fi contactați în vederea stabilirii unei programări. Toate documentele atașate la cererea online trebuie prezentate în original la momentul prezentării la ora programată.

(Monday, January 22, 2024)

Made in Romania-Beauties from Romania

Romania vazuta de sus in acordurile muzicii lui Ciprian Porumbescu. Prin aceste filmari vrem sa aratam si sa promovam Romania . Filmarile au durat 9 luni. Secventele au fost filmate in : Apuseni,Valea Draganului,Delta Dunarii,Dumbrava Sibiului,Sighisoara, Cazanele Dunarii,Coloana Fara de Sfarsit din Targu Jiu,Sibiu,Castelul Bran, Castelul Corvinilor din Hunedoara,Castelul Peles din Sinaia, Piata Sfatului din Brasov,Cluj Napoca,Biserica ingropata in lacul de steril din Valea Sesii,Sarmizegetusa capitala Regilor Daci si capitala mandrei noastre tari -Bucurestiul.
Contact: Your travel agent

(Sunday, November 12, 2023)

Arizona Romanian Festival - November 2023

From Saturday 11 at 11 AM to Sunday 12 at 8 PM. St. John The Baptist - Romanian Orthodox Church, Glendale, AZ 3749 West Behrend Drive, Glendale-Phoenix, Arizona 85308 Phone: (623) 582 3150 Enjoy traditional Romanian music and food. Biserica Ortodoxă Română Sf. Ioan Botezătorul din Arizona are plăcerea de a vă invita la o nouă ediție a Festivalului Mâncării si Muzicii Românești, care va avea loc în perioada 11-12 Noiembrie 2023 pe proprietatea bisericii situată la: 3749 W Behrend Dr, Glendale, AZ 85308. Festivalul va prezenta numeroase delicii culinare românești, printre care: Mici, Ciorba de burta, tradiționalele sarmale, Langoși si multe alte. De asemenea va exista o bogata varietate de dulciuri de casă. Barul va fi bine aprovizionat cu o varietate de sortimente distincte de băuturi. Atmosfera de sărbătoare și veselie va fi sporită de bogăția muzicii și dansurilor populare românești. Cântăreți români vor încânta publicul pe toată durata festivalului cu melodii tradiționale din toate regiunile României. O mică expoziție va expune diverse obiecte de artizanat și costume populare românești. Spiritualitatea românească va fi prezentă prin oportunitatea de a socializa si te bucura de mancarea si obiceiurile traditionale romanesti. O zonă special amenajată va oferi copiilor diverse jocuri, pictură pe față, și multe alte activități și surprize. Va așteptăm cu drag Contact: St. John The Baptist - Romanian Orthodox Church, Glendale, AZ,

(Friday, November 10, 2023)

The map of Romanian carols

Click the wanted region.

(Monday, December 19, 2022)

One of a kind, unique, hand painted - on etsy.com

NEW Custom Painted. Custom Personalized Name Toddler/Kids hand painted Slip On Shoes ~ Boho Chic Rainbow Glitter ~ CHOOSE SIZE Handpainted by me 🧡🎃💛each pair is one of a kind and unique as your little ones 😊 Made to order so please let me know what size you will be needing ❤️

(Tuesday, November 15, 2022)

Arizona Romanian Festival

NOVEMBER 12 & 13 , 2022.
Phone: (267) 307-8287
Address: 3749 W Behrend Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States, Arizona

(Wednesday, November 9, 2022)

American Romanian Cultural Society (arcs) Arizona - Spotlight on Europe, Film Festival

Encourage the high school students in your circle to apply for the Romanian American National Heritage Award! The award recognizes exceptional contributions to the cohesion of the Romanian community and the preservation of its heritage, language, culture and traditions. Romanian American Heritage Awards are presented by the American Romanian Cultural Society and Romanian United Fund, with the endorsement of the Embassy of Romania to the United States. With the support of ARCS Arizona and ARCS Detroit. The Award Ceremony will be hosted at the Alianța Gala on November 30th – December 1st. All eligible participants will receive the official recognition of the Romanian Embassy in the United States and the top winners will receive up to $1000 dollars each. In the past years the award has helped the recipients distinguish themselves in their admission process to top colleges and institutions, such as Dartmouth College, Wesleyan University, Pitzer College, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, Whitman College, Purdue University, UW Honors, Harvard and many others.

(Tuesday, August 2, 2022)

Arizona Chapter of the Romanian - American Chamber of Commerce

The RACC™ promotes trade and investment between the United States and Romania and supports its members' business objectives by holding monthly events at which prominent political and business leaders from both countries address bilateral concerns. The Arizona Chapter affords free direct advice and business counselling for member firms in connection with general business concerns relative to Romania. We help our members to achieve their business objectives in Romania through close links with our partner, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, as well as the many local Chambers of Commerce.

(Sunday, December 5, 2021)

Diversity Visa - DV-2021 Program: Online Registration

The revised online registration period for the DV-2021 Program begins on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and concludes on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5). Individuals who submit more than one entry during the registration period will be disqualified.

(Friday, September 4, 2020)

Arizona American-Romanian Cultural Collaborative

The Arizona American-Romanian Cultural Collaborative (ARCC) started in 2019 from a desire to showcase and promote the Romanian culture in the communities where its founders and fellow Romanians live and work. This desire emerged from the strong confidence – reinforced by the worldwide recognition of Romanian arts – that the culture of Romania can constitute an inspiring and powerful presence in Arizona, one of the most diverse states in the US. The approximately 85,000 ethnic Romanian who nowadays call the Grand Canyon State home come from a beautiful country, with a lively and influential culture. Arizona ARCC wishes to feature Romanian culture and the variety of its art forms, from theater, literature and visual arts to traditional crafts, food, music, photography, and more.

(Sunday, August 16, 2020)

What’s so special about the Romanian honey?

From where comes the reputation of Romanian honey? Why is it so appreciated? In June 2014, China’s Minister of Agriculture decided to find out the answer and paid Romania a visit. We are talking about China, the country with the biggest production of honey in the world!

(Tuesday, January 21, 2020)

Romania's National Day - On December 1st, Romania celebrates its National Day (Great Union Day), a day representing the freedom and unification of all regions.

In Romania, December 1st is more than the official beginning of winter. On this day, in 1918, Romania commemorates the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina, with the Old Romanian Kingdom (composed of Wallachia and Moldavia). But despite the fact that almost 100 years passed since the Great Union, Romania's National Day wasn't always celebrated on December 1st. Romanian National Anthem - "Deşteaptă-te Române" (RO/EN) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTwgwEHiWm0

(Sunday, December 1, 2019)

Romanian designer interprets folk heritage for interiors

Fabric design by a Romanian design brand, Halfdrop, used in products for interiors. Romanian architect and designer Alexandra Lazarescu interprets her country’s folk heritage and imagery in geometric patterns with contemporary sophistication. (HALFDROP via AP) Many young international designers are drawing on heritage, folklore and their imaginations to create contemporary textile, ceramic and wall-covering patterns. Some are finding larger audiences through decor retailers and online sites. Others are taking their imaginations outdoors, onto the sides of buildings.

(Friday, July 19, 2019)

Centuries-old traditions endure in Romania’s countryside

Rick Steves Published Nov. 18, 2017 Romania is full of surprises and wonderful people. And as you leave the capital of Bucharest, it gets even better. In the Romanian countryside, the nation's unique history and traditional culture live on — vividly. Supplemental link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/destinations/2017/11/18/rick-steves-romania/875593001/

(Thursday, March 28, 2019)

Romanian Festival 2018 - At St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church in Glendale, AZ

Traditional Romanian food, music & entertainment. Voluntari si Sponsori pentru Festivalul Romanesc 2018 : Consiliul Bisericii St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church in Glendale, AZ, solicita ajutorul si sprijinul comunitatii romanesti pentru sponsorizare si voluntariat la Festivalul Romanesc 2018. Va rugam contactati pe Costica Negrea la 602-722-7573 sau pe epitropul bisericii. Va asteptam si va multumim anticipat!
Contact: Costica Negrea sau epitropul bisericii
Phone: 602-722-7573
Address: 3749 W Behrend Dr, Glendale, AZ 85308

(Sunday, November 4, 2018)

Pastor OCTAVIAN DOBOS, decedat într-un accident de mașină

În data de marți 23 Octombrie, în jurul orei 7:50 seara, a decedat în urma lovirii mașinii pe care o conducea (un Ford Explorer 2017, în timp ce se afla într-o călătorie în statul Colorado pentru a-și vizita fiul), de către o mașină Mazda care a pierdut controlul volanului!

(Sunday, October 28, 2018)

Voluntari si Sponsori pentru Festivalul Romanesc 2018

Consiliul Bisericii St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church in Glendale, AZ, solicita ajutorul si sprijinul comunitatii romanesti pentru sponsorizare si voluntariat la Festivalul Romanesc 2018. Va rugam contactati pe Costica Negrea la 602-722-7573 sau pe epitropul bisericii. Va asteptam si va multumim anticipat!
Contact: Costica Negrea
Phone: 602-722-7573
Address: 3749 W Behrend Dr, Glendale, AZ 85308

(Monday, October 22, 2018)

Romania protests 2018: Thousands rally against government

About 40,000 demonstrators gathered in Bucharest’s Victoriei Square, blowing horns and shouting “Resignation!, Resignation!” to protest what they say is a corrupt government, according to reuters.

(Wednesday, August 15, 2018)

Romanian Mansion in Sedona

Northern California lifestyle and travel photographer, Christopher Chang, took this stunning shot of a stately mansion in Sedona, Arizona. The sprawling estate with private observatory is located at 503 Chapel Drive, Sedona, Arizona. If you’ve ever been to the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona, you’ve likely seen this property. There are a number of rumours circulating around as to who owns it including Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, or the guy behind the Girls Gone Wild empire. It’s said to be actually owned by Ioan and Elena Cosmescu. (By Christopher Chang Photography)

(Wednesday, June 27, 2018)

Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Arizona

Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Arizona : CMA este o organizatie deschisa tuturor persoanelor, indiferent de nationalitate, religie, gen, vârsta sau origine etnica. Ne dorim cu totii un viitor în care originarii din Republica Moldova sa se integreze plenar în viata americana, pastrându-si în acelasi timp valorile culturale, nationale si spirituale.

(Wednesday, June 27, 2018)

Romanian teenager becomes Arizona’s sixth international player

Above the bank of the Danube River, tourists and locals flock to a park called Public Garden in Braila, Romania, which overlooks the port and the Macin Mountains. Sebastian Ionescu left all of it behind for one reason: to play tennis at Arizona. Ionescu is no rookie to the world of tennis. Standing 5-foot-6 and weighing 125 pounds, the freshman has been on the courts for the past 12 years, playing for a Romanian club team called Venus.

(Wednesday, June 27, 2018)

Colectam lunar si transportam pachete in Romania cu livrare la domiciliu!

Acceptam cash si checks. See on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/romaniatransportservice/
Phone: 360-859-3629
Address: Vancouver, WA

(Friday, November 11, 2016)

Marchers hold rally in downtown Phoenix in support of Romanian family

Posted: Apr 16, 2016 11:51 AM Updated: Apr 16, 2016 3:48 PM PHOENIX (KPHO/KTVK) - Thousands marched outside the Arizona Superior Court building in central Phoenix on Saturday to protest the actions of Norwegian Child Protection Services, which forcibly removed five children from their parents last year in Norway. The Bodnariu family is originally from Romania and they are evangelical Christians. Norway’s Child Protection Services, known as Barnevernet, removed the children from their home after determining that the parents were “indoctrinating” the children with allegedly radical beliefs.

(Friday, May 13, 2016)

Romanian is not a Latin Language, rather Latin is a Romanian language

Micheal Ledwith is today the dean of St. Peter College, former chairman of the Conference of the Heads of Irish Universities and former member of the leadership of the European Universities Rectors Conference. As a former advisor to Pope John Paul the 2nd he had access to the vast library of the Vatican that also houses ancient texts which are not available to average historians. This is what he has to say: "... anyway even though Latin is the language of the Catholic Church and obviously the language of the Roman Empire much later and, as I suppose, people don't always know, Romanian is a Latin language I think what is not often remembered is that Romanian, or the ancestry of Romanian, is from where the Latin language came, not vice versa. In other words, Romanian is not a Latin Language, rather Latin is a Romanian language." (Source: YouTube video - History of DACIA part 3 Thracians - Istoria Daciei partea 3 Tracii )

(Tuesday, November 24, 2015)

Interview with Andrei Codrescu

Writer and NPR commentator Andrei Codrescu returns to his homeland, Romania, 13 years after the revolution that brought down dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. FRONTLINE/World explores a nation struggling with its new freedoms -- and hoping to attract tourists with the legend of Dracula. Read interview here: http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/romania/interview.html

(Sunday, February 1, 2015)