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‍Vino și tu , Sâmbătă , Ianuarie 25, 7:00PM la o seară tradițională românească . Call Danix pentru a-ti rezerva locul 4803941108. See more about this here...

Check your preconceived notions about Romania at the door. Your experience here will not be defined by encounters with street children, Gypsy's, or Dracula... more ...
Place your classified ad online or see ads posted by other people.
There are many Romanian professionals in Arizona. If you prefer Romanian language or just out of national pride… give your business to your compatriot.
The Romanian Orthodox Church, by far the largest denomination (in Romania), claims some 86% of the total country population (2011 census)... more ...
Exaltation of the Holy Cross church in Phoenix Arizona USA is a mission parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, a diocese of The Orthodox Church in America and our Pastor is V. Reverend Father Alin Munteanu.
We like good food and we miss things that were common back home but are hard to find here. If you know the hidden places where we can find good "mititei" or other Romanian food, stores where we can buy Romanian products, let us know
Language, religion, traditions… basic things that we cannot exist without… or we can but then we are not Romanian anymore.... more ...
Internet links to other Romanian communities around the world.
Cultural events, shows, Romanian Festival, sport events, etc. organized by the Romanian community in Arizona.
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Let's smile... Read a joke (click Smiley for more)

Great signs collection